Pointe Shoe Fittings

Our trained fitters use their expertise to find the best pointe shoe match for a dancer's individual foot.

*Pointe shoe fitting fee is $25; fee is applied to purchase of pointe shoes.

Fitting pointe shoes depends on the dancer's foot length, width, shape, flexibility, strength, length of toes, etc. Therefore, the pointe fitter looks at what pointe shoes fit and work best for each dancer. Pricing may range, but expect to spend between $100 and $175 (estimate) on pointe shoes and accessories (if needed). 

Due to the extensive collection of pointe shoes and exact fit that pointe shoes require for safety, please allow up to an hour for your fitting. Ribbon and elastic are available for purchase. We offer complimentary sewing of elastic (1 band on each shoe) and ribbon (2 on each shoe). Criss-cross elastics and infinity ribbon can each be requested at a charge of $10.

Coming Prepared for a Pointe Shoe Fitting: 

  • Wear clothing that is comfortable but not fitted so the fitter can see the dancer’s full body placement 

  • If wearing tights, they should be convertible/transition (able to be pulled up to show bare feet)

  • Wash & dry the feet as well as clip toenails (if toenails are too long to do a fitting, fitter will provide toenail clippers at a $5 charge)

  • Fitter will likely want to fit the pointe shoes initially without padding to ensure correct shoe shape and add tape or accessories if needed, then will add padding later (this helps to ensure best fit)

  • For dancers who are already en pointe, they should bring any padding/accessories they wear

What to Expect:

  • Teachers may wish to attend the first pointe shoe fitting 

  • Teachers may want to approve pointe shoes before they are sewn

  • Pointe shoes that have been sewn, worn, or made dirty are not eligible for return or exchange

  • Pointe shoes should be form fitting; it is not feasible to buy pointe shoes to grow into as this is dangerous

  • The fitter will ask the dancer questions to determine the fit of the shoes, and the dancer should be ready to communicate what she feels